There are 48 described endemic species of geckos in Aotearoa. There are further categorized into seven genera: Hoplodactylus only containing a single species Duvacel’s gecko the largest of the endemics. The Naultinus or green geckos. Mokopirirakau or forest geckos with 13 known species. Toropuku or striped geckos of which there are only 2. Dactylocnemis, 6 ‘Pacific’ geckos. Woodworthia, the largest genus with 14 species all grey/brown in colour with broad toes and finally the Harlequin gecko of the monotypic genus (only a single species) Tukutuku. Abbreviated from the Department of Conservation info page found here. Further information may be found on the New Zealand Herpetological Society webpage.

Tuatara, Sphenodon

Pacific gecko, Dactylocnemis pacificus

Northern striped gecko, Torupuku inexpectatus

Rough gecko, Naultinus rudis

Harlequin gecko, Tukutuku rakiurae

Mokopirirakau ‘Southern North Island”

Raukawa or common gecko, Woodworthia maculata

Duvacel’s gecko, Hoplodactylus duvaucelii

Black-eyed gecko, Mokopirirakau glaxias

Black-eyed gecko or Whitaker’s sticky-toed gecko, Mokopirirakau kahutarae

Forest gecko, Mokopirirakau granulatus

Mokopirirakau roys peak

Moko kākāriki, Auckland green gecko, Naulitnus elegans

Oligosoma, genus of endemic skinks of Aotearoa. Approximately 78 described species but there’s likely to be further discoveries.

Mc Gregor’s skink, Oligosoma mcgregori

Robust skink, Oligosoma alani

Copper skink, Oligosoma aeneum

Hauraki skink, Oligosoma townsi

Otago skink, Oligosoma otagense

New Zealand striped skink, Oligosoma striatum

Whitaker’s skink, Oligosoma whitakeri

Shore skink, Oligosoma smithi

Ornate skink, Oligosoma ornata

Sinbad’s skink. Oligosoma sinbad

Moko skink, Oligosoma moco

Northern spotted skink, Oligosoma kokowai

Egg-laying skink, Oligosoma suteri - all other Oligosoma species give birth to live young, they are viviparous

‘Guardian of the Sanctuary’, Eastern collared lizard, Crotaphytus collaris